My journey to become a massage therapist began when I was very young, and very ill.  I had an illness as a toddler that created pain in my head.  I always had pain in my head- somewhere. I believed it was normal and that everyone suffered pain all of the time until I was almost 30 years old.

 I swam competitively until I was 16, and my teammates and I would often work out the stiffness in each others' shoulders and necks. I found that I could feel the tighter muscle fibers easily; working that out became fun.

 While it may have been the swim team that sparked my interest in massage therapy as a career path, it was the illness and my own chronic pain that drove me to find techniques that were more specialized than the average massage.  Myofascial Release and Cranio-sacral techniques have significantly diminished my headaches and other pain; I love using these techniques now on patients and watching their chronic pain melt away. 

 Over the years I have had the opportunity and privilege to treat so many people!  I still love what I do, and I'm one of those lucky people who gets to do what she loves! I still find it fun to work with the body; but the most fun is when those people I touch walk out smiling.